D. H. Sanders, LLC

Attorneys and Counselors at Law

evening and weekend hours
are available by appointment
phone: (314) 727-7100

Employment Law for Employers

Employment law is a highly specialized field of law that affects businesses ranging from small family-owned businesses to large corporations. With regulations and legislation ever changing, it is important to stay up to date on all changes and fully understand how those changes affect your business. D.H. Sanders, LLC is thoroughly familiar with state and federal employment laws, from policy development and employee relations to employment litigation and representation in proceedings.

We understand the impact labor and employment issues can have on businesses, that is why we provide innovative, effective, and timely solutions in all employment-related issues. Employment related issues include federal and state employment law compliance, preparation of personnel policies, advising on employment agreements, employee discipline, discrimination claims, workers’ compensation, and safety regulations.

Employees are an integral part to the success and operation of your business; however, employment issues can cause tension and financial hardship for businesses. At D.H. Sanders, LLC we understand employment issues cause unnecessary stress and take you away from running your business, that is why we help businesses avoid employment issues before they happen, but in the event an employment issue does arise, we do everything we can to resolve the issue as quickly and cost effectively as possible.

The firm’s broad-based employment practice includes:

Employee Handbooks

While often overlooked by businesses, an employee handbook can be a vital part to the overall operation of a business. Businesses all too often rely on passing vital employment information and important company policies through verbal communications, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings between employers and employees. We have found that when businesses have employee handbooks clearly setting forth an employer’s expectations and policies, business owners spend less time explaining the same to their employees and more time effectively running and expanding their business.

Not only do employee handbooks prevent misunderstandings between employers and employees, but they also set forth how employers will enforce policies should employees fail to abide by them. Providing employees with written policies and enforcement procedures protects business owners’ interests should an employee violate company policies, requiring a business owner to discipline and/or terminate an employee for cause.